Improve your strength, balance and flexibility with Project Reform's innovative Reformer Pilates sessions.

Our experienced and passionate staff take you through a hybrid 50-minute workout, beginning with a short opener designed to increase joint mobility and balance, transitioning into the main session block of cardio infused, strength focused or foundational Reformer Pilates formats.


Our experienced and passionate staff take you through a science based 45-minute functional workout, catering towards your specific goal. Training blocks flow through a range of testing, challenge and deload phases to ensure you're always progressing with your training. 

Monday + Thursday: Our strength CHOICE days will have a focus on either Upper or Lower body! Your choice on the day. Based on your choice, your session will include the programming of compound and accessory movements, which compliment the targeted area.

Tuesday + Friday: Focus on full body strength & Conditioning. Our main goal within these sessions being to develop strength and power using a variation of lifts. We use Mixed Modality Conditioning to get your heart rate high and your sweat on to finish the session!

Wednesday: Our Metabolic Conditioning Class is a high- intensity workout designed to improve cardiovascular endurance, increase strength, and enhance overall metabolic function. THINK: SWEATY, GOOD VIBES, INTERVAL WORK ON SKI'S, BIKES, ROWERS.


Interested in getting in contact?

Staffed Hours

Monday: 7am-11am | 2:30pm-6:30pm

Tuesday: 7am-11am | 2:30pm-6:30pm

Wednesday: 2pm - 6pm

Thursday: 7am-11am | 2:30pm-6:30pm

Friday: 7am-10am

Saturday: 7:00am - 9:00am

Contact Us

181 Wellington Rd, East Brisbane, QLD

0493 660 010